
Showing posts from December, 2018


We have been learning SO many things this past month.  First, THANK you for sending in items for your child's letter.  They turned out great! We also has a visitor from Chewonki come to talk with us about owls!  We got to see several different kinds of owls.   In math, we recently finished the 2D shape unit.  We made 2D shapes out of marshmallows and toothpicks.  We have been reading stories about the Gingerbread man!  We made puppets to help retell the story. (They went home on Wednesday- so I hope your child was able to share it with you!) Also, Mrs. Miller made the whole Kindergarten a giant gingerbread cookie!  We had it cooked in the school oven, but then it ran away!  We hope that our gingerbread returns, so that we can eat it up! In other news, as a K team, we have started flexible literacy groups.  This allows for us to target the reading needs ...