
Showing posts from February, 2019

Important Info!

Good Evening! Please make sure to check your child's red folder for a lot of important information! The FREE literacy night is tomorrow (Thursday) at Skillin from 5:30-6:30pm.  There will be games and you could win a prize!  Make sure to visit our classroom for some activities! Parent-Teacher Conferences!  I would LOVE to have an opportunity to meet with you.  There is a sign-up (Pink paper) in your child's folder.  Please pick at least TWO  times.  This is first-come, first served.  I do my very best to be flexible around schedules and to find a time that works for you! Dinosaurs!  We have started learning about dinosaurs!  Today as a class, we listed all of the things that we knew about dinosaurs.  We also made a list of questions that we wonder about them.  We will be learning what they ate, how they may have behaved, and how they protected themselves.  We will be writing about the facts that we learned. As pa...

100's day and updates

Happy 100 days of Kindergarten! We had an exciting day celebrating 100 days of K today!  Students made necklaces will 100 beads, wrote to 100, ordered tiles to 100, made hats, built a tower with 100 cubes, and built with 100 cups! Lots of pictures below! We ended the day with a special visitor, Mrs. Connolly, to read to us: 100 Snowmen by Jen Arena. She has been visiting classrooms in our school as part of the Maine #ReadtoME challenge.   Save the Date! On Thursday, February 28th please join us for a literacy night at Skillin.  It is from 5:30-6:30pm.  We will have activities in many of the classrooms.  There will be raffles, books to check out in the library, and a ReadtoME photo booth!  I look forward to seeing you and your child there! Happy Vacation! Finally, I hope that you have a wonderful vacation!  I can't wait to see your child back to school on Monday, February 25th!  Enjoy! Love,  Mrs. Baltos ...

Building Challenge

Hello! As part of a whole school community initiative and collaboration challenge, we were tasked with creating a structure that will last 5 days outside.  This past week, with inspiration from the story of The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf, we created our whole class structure.  We read many different versions of the story, including one of my favorites: The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig .  The story ends with the little wolves building a house from flowers, that help to change the Pig's heart and turn towards being a kind, good friend. Students started by making a list of materials and house structure ideas.  I love the idea of popcorn! And ice cream to make an ice cream house! Yum! Then students were set with the task of drawing and writing about their ideas (just like an engineer!) Finally, working as small groups, we completed our Pig House.  Materials include: paper towel and toilet paper rolls, straws, pipe cleaners, duct tape, ...